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March 5, 2025

32. Is Trump right to bring back plastic straws?

32. Is Trump right to bring back plastic straws?

It was only a matter of time before a Trump policy made its way onto Talking Rubbish, his ‘BACK TO PLASTIC’ post on social media sealed the deal. This week, we’re diving into the much-vilified drinking straw. What’s the best material for it? Is there any logic in returning to plastic? And why are we so strangely obsessed with straws in the first place? Plus, how are tyres recycled, are glass candle holders rubbish or not and what plastic should we use as a bin liner?

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Talking Rubbish

It was only a matter of time before a Trump policy made its way onto Talking Rubbish, his ‘BACK TO PLASTIC’ post on social media sealed the deal. This week, we’re diving into the much-vilified drinking straw. What’s the best material for it? Is there any logic in returning to plastic? And why are we so strangely obsessed with straws in the first place? Plus, how are tyres recycled, are glass candle holders rubbish or not and what plastic should we use as a bin liner?

Join hosts James Piper and Robbie Staniforth as they delve into the world of recycling, hopefully having fun along the way. One thing is for sure, they will talk absolute rubbish from start to finish.

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Relevant links and reports mentioned in the programme can be found on the Talking Rubbish

Transcripts and episodes can be found on the Talking Rubbish website

How are tyres recycled? - 13:58
Is Trump right to bring back plastic straws? - 22:27
Rubbish or Not: glass candle holders - 47:40 
What plastic should you use as a bin liner? - 50:34


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