Aug. 29, 2024

Interview - Natalie Fée, City to Sea

Interview - Natalie Fée, City to Sea

James is joined this week by Natalie Fée, founder of environmental charity City to Sea. James and Natalie have a wide ranging discussion, exploring; how Natalie managed to get all the retailers to switch their cotton buds to cardboard, reuse trials, plastic recycling and waste incineration.

In the fifth Talking Rubbish episode featuring an interview with Natalie Fée, founder of environmental organisation City to Sea, James Piper explores Natalie’s journey in environmental activism and the powerful work City to Sea does to tackle plastic pollution. Natalie discusses how her passion for protecting the oceans led to the creation of the organisation, which focuses on reducing single-use plastics, especially in rivers and seas. The conversation touches on the importance of collaboration with businesses, government, and the public to drive systemic change, with Natalie highlighting key campaigns like Refill.
Natalie Fée’s Journey into Environmentalism
Natalie shares her inspiring backstory—how she transitioned from working in media to becoming a prominent environmental campaigner. She explains that her connection to nature and the growing plastic pollution crisis motivated her to take action. Founding City to Sea allowed her to focus on creating solutions to tackle plastic waste at the source.
James discusses her ability to communicate environmental issues in a compelling way, making complex problems feel personal and urgent without overwhelming people. Natalie reflects on the importance of engaging and empowering communities to make real, tangible changes in how they use and dispose of plastic.
City to Sea and Its Mission
City to Sea focuses on stopping plastic pollution before it reaches the ocean. Natalie emphasises that while cleaning up beaches and oceans is crucial, preventing plastic from entering waterways is the most effective way to tackle the problem. The organisation works closely with individuals, businesses, and policymakers to reduce plastic usage, primarily through behaviour-changing campaigns.
Natalie talks about the success of the Refill campaign, which encourages people to refill their water bottles rather than buying single-use plastic ones. The campaign has grown rapidly, partnering with cafes, shops, and public places to provide free water refills. The initiative now spans hundreds of cities and towns across the UK and beyond.
Collaboration with Businesses and Government
Throughout the interview, Natalie stresses the importance of collaboration. While individual action is essential, she argues that businesses and governments must also play a critical role in reducing plastic pollution. She shares examples of how City to Sea works with companies to redesign their products and packaging to be more sustainable. Likewise, the organization lobbies policymakers to implement legislation that reduces plastic use and holds businesses accountable for their environmental impact.
The Future of Plastic Reduction
As the conversation wraps up, Natalie shares her hopes for the future of environmental activism and plastic reduction. She remains optimistic, noting that awareness of plastic pollution has grown significantly in recent years. However, she cautions that more work is needed to keep the momentum going. Education, innovation, and policy change are all crucial elements of the fight against plastic pollution.
James agrees, underscoring that Natalie’s work with City to Sea is a prime example of how one person’s passion can lead to meaningful change on a global scale. They close the episode by encouraging listeners to get involved in plastic reduction efforts, whether by supporting organisations like City to Sea, advocating for policy changes, or making personal choices to reduce their plastic footprint.
Conclusion: A Powerful Call to Action
This episode of Talking Rubbish is a compelling look at how environmental activism, combined with practical solutions, can drive real change in the fight against plastic pollution. Natalie Fée’s journey, her work with City to Sea, and her insights into building a plastic-free future provide a hopeful and actionable roadmap for anyone looking to make a difference. The episode leaves listeners with a clear message: everyone can play a part in protecting the planet.